The Team & Mission

Dr. David Frank, MD, Ph.D 

Attending Physician Division of Cardiology at CHOP

Areas of Expertise: Pulmonary Hypertension, Pulmonary Vascular remodeling in embryonic development, Transitional pulmonary circulation, Transplant

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at University of Penn

Educations: B.S. (Biochemistry) University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1997.

Ph.D. (Cell and Developmental Biology and Philosophy) Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 2006. 

M.D. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 2009.

Selected Publications for Dr. Frank


Our vision is to establish a research program for childhood lung disease that brings investigators from diverse research backgrounds in a focused effort to study and develop new and innovative therapies. The mission of this endeavor will entail 3 focus areas tailored for discovery and treatment of lung disease and help build one of the first comprehensive research programs for rare lung disease in children.

Disease Modeling
Disease modeling is composed of two objectives: one, continued registration for a biorepository of tissue to gain knowledge of the disease process and two, the establishment of animal models of human lung disease. CHOP is one of the largest referral centers in the United States for pediatric lung disease, and Dr. David Frank has initiated a pediatric lung tissue repository at CHOP in conjunction with adult tissue collection for the Penn Center for Pulmonary Biology.  

Cellular and Target Discovery
In order to begin to treat disease, an understanding of the normal process of how the lung is first built and also undergoes regeneration after injury is essential. This focus will help identify important lung progenitor cells, stem cells, and the supporting cells that influence growth and regeneration that could be targeted for therapy.

Genetics, Gene Editing, and Targeted Therapy
Novel therapies are the ultimate mission of this endeavor and include the continued discovery of genetic anomalies in childhood lung airway and vascular disease, advancement of recently developed technologies at CHOP and Penn for in utero gene editing and correction of gene mutations postnatally, and the selective delivery of therapies to the lungs to treat these diseases

The short-term goals of this collaborative effort will be to increase clinical research coordinated recruitment and collection of all available pediatric lung tissue at CHOP that will be available to investigators all over the world, acquire the ability to develop high output of novel human disease-based animal models for novel gene, drug, and cellular therapies, and the continued recruitment of additional investigators focused on childhood lung disease.

We believe that the initial success in meeting our short-term goals will help accomplish the mission and long-term goals of this program that include:

  • Largest lung tissue biorepository that will provide samples to the scientific community throughout the world

  • Multidisciplinary Center for Pediatric Lung Research composed of a collaborative effort of CHOP and Penn investigators

  • Establishment of targeted cellular, drug, and gene therapies toward lung vascular abnormalities

Selected Publications

Dr. Lisa Young, M.D. 

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine

Cell & Developmental Biology 

Areas of Expertise: Interstitial Lung Disease, Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine, Rare Lung Diseases

Education: Doctor of Medicine, Duke University, 1997. 

Dr. William Peranteau, M.D. 

Attending Surgeon in the Division of General, Thoracic, & Fetal Surgery at CHOP

Assistant Professor at University of Penn School of Medicine 

Education: B.A. (Molecular Biology) from Princeton University

M.D. University of Penn

Selected Publications for Dr. Peranteau